
Voluntary Sustainability Approvals


Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) is a certification standard created by ACI Europe to manage and reduce carbon emissions of airports. The program evaluates airports independently and awards them with one of six levels of accreditation based on their efforts to minimize carbon emissions. 

Normec Verifavia’s auditors are distinguished by ACI Europe (Airports Council International Europe) and WSP Environment & Energy as certified independent third-party verifiers under the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) program.  

This accreditation empowers Normec Verifavia to provide verification services to airports seeking ACA recognition across all levels (1, 2, 3, 3+, 4, 4+), including the newest level 5, reinforcing its critical role in advancing carbon management and reduction initiatives in the aviation industry. 

Adhering strictly to ISO 14064-3 standards and the GHG (Green House Gases) Protocol, Normec Verifavia ensures that airports align with the ACA program’s rigorous guidelines, facilitating accurate greenhouse gas emissions reporting and effective mitigation strategies. 

For a list of accredited verifiers, visit Airport Carbon Accreditation Verifiers: Verification – Airport Carbon Accreditation  

Accreditation logo 

Normec Verifavia: Accredited for Smart Freight Centre Conformity Assessment Scheme (CAS)  

Effective December 14, 2023, Normec Verifavia has achieved full approval from the Smart Freight Centre (SFC) under its Conformity Assessment Scheme (CAS). This accreditation signifies our adherence to established benchmarks for competent and impartial assurance of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions statements within the global freight and logistics sector. 

The SFC CAS is a rigorous program designed to evaluate validation and verification bodies (VVBs) like Normec Verifavia against internationally recognized standards for competence and impartiality in GHG emissions assurance. 

Normec Verifavia’s CAS approval demonstrates our commitment to: 

  1. Upholding the highest standards in GHG emissions reporting: Our personnel possess the necessary knowledge and experience to accurately assess and verify GHG  data within the freight and logistics sector, aligned with ISO 14083 and other relevant standards.
  2. Providing high-quality assurance services: Our CAS accreditation reflects our adherence to stringent requirements and ensures our services meet the strictest criteria for competence and impartiality.
  3. Aligning with industry best practices: By being CAS-approved, Normec Verifavia contributes to promoting transparency and consistency in GHG reporting across the industry.