
ACA Level 5: Charting a Course Towards Airport’s Net Zero Goal

ACA Level 5: Charting a Course Towards Airport’s Net Zero Goal

The introduction of Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) Level 5 marks a significant advancement in the aviation industry’s response to climate change. This rigorous framework establishes a defined pathway for airports to achieve net zero carbon emissions, aligning with global decarbonization objectives.

Substantial Decarbonization at the Core:

The cornerstone of ACA Level 5 is a stringent requirement for a minimum 90% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions compared to a designated baseline year. This translates to a dramatic decrease in an airport’s direct and indirect on-site footprint, setting a new standard for environmental accountability.

Beyond Offsetting: A Holistic Approach to Carbon Neutrality:

Recognizing the inherent limitations of solely offsetting unavoidable emissions, Level 5 mandates their strategic application through approved carbon offset removals. This ensures carbon neutrality, but the ambition doesn’t stop there.

Mapping the Course to Net Zero Across the Ecosystem:

Level 5 extends beyond the airport’s immediate operations. It necessitates the development of a concrete roadmap for achieving net zero across the entire air travel value chain (Scope 3) by 2050 or sooner. This encompasses the complex web of emissions associated with passenger and cargo transport, ground handling, and aircraft operations. Such a transformation requires concerted collaboration among all stakeholders within the aviation ecosystem.

Toulon Takes Flight: A Case Study in Successful Implementation:

Verifavia, with its team of Level 5-approved verifiers, actively assists airports in navigating this ambitious framework. Toulon-Hyères Airport in France stands as a testament to this partnership. With Verifavia’s guidance, Toulon achieved Level 5 accreditation, showcasing the tangible impact of the program. Their success story exemplifies the effectiveness of meticulous emissions reduction strategies, strategic offsetting, and a robust Scope 3 roadmap in establishing an airport as a beacon of sustainability within the aviation sector.

Collective Action for a Decarbonized Future:

ACA Level 5 presents both challenges and opportunities. Verifavia, dedicated to independent emissions verification, stands alongside technology providers and other stakeholders in continuous innovation and collaborative efforts to empower airports in their pursuit of net zero.

Ready to Embark on the Path to Net Zero?

If your airport is contemplating embarking on the journey towards ACA Level 5, Verifavia is your trusted partner. Our unparalleled expertise in independent emissions verification and unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility can help you navigate the intricacies of the framework, develop a personalized roadmap, and achieve sustainable success.

Contact us today to unlock the potential of ACA Level 5 for your airport and become a leader in aviation’s journey towards a net zero future.

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