
Navigating the Latest Developments in Global Aviation Emission Regulations: Insights on CORSIA, EU ETS, CH ETS, UK ETS, and French Decree

Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA)

CORSIA – In 2022, the sectoral growth factor for CORSIA turned out to be zero, offering relief to airlines in this ongoing compliance cycle. This update gives airlines some breathing room. ICAO has issued revised documents related to state pairs, CORSIA central registry (Part I: List of Verification Bodies Accredited in States, Part III: Total Annual Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Information for Aeroplane Operators), CORSIA Aeroplane Operator to State Attributions along with the ICAO CERT 2023 tool.

EU ETS – The computation of free allocation for 2024 and 2025 involves the inclusion of 2023 verified emissions in the revised annual emissions report format. Participation in this reporting process is voluntary. The allotment of free allowances to aircraft operators will be based on the proportion of their verified emissions from aviation activities as reported for the year 2023. In cases where operators do not furnish the necessary data, the competent authority will utilize estimated data from Eurocontrol.

CH ETS – The recent linkage between Switzerland and the United Kingdom (London, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland) has broadened the range of reportable flights under the CH ETS. Operators are urged to make note of this development to ensure accurate reporting of their emissions to the competent authority.

UK ETS – Operators must utilize the latest METS system for submitting their annual emissions report to the Environment Agency. In the event of verification by a UKAS-accredited verifier, such as VERIFAVIA, operators undergoing this process must undergo a site visit, either physical or virtual. To facilitate a virtual site visit, operators must submit a request to the Environment Agency along with specific required documents from the verifier by the end of February.

French Decree – Operators must offset 70% of their emissions in 2023, with the deadline unchanged from the previous year. Additionally, the minimum share of offsetting from projects within the EU is limited to 35% in 2023, on a share of 75% of the emissions covered by offsetting obligations.

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