
Verifavia Becomes Normec Verifavia: A New Era of Excellence

Paris-headquartered Verifavia, the world’s leading verifier of aviation and shipping emissions, has become the first verification company to announce its worldwide accreditation under the global Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA).

Agreed by 192 countries at a meeting of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2016, CORSIA aims to ensure a carbon-neutral growth of the airline industry. It is the first global scheme by any industrial sector to address its climate change impact.

Under CORSIA, a global baseline of CO2 emissions from all international flights has to be established before the scheme starts in 2021. Airlines and other aircraft operators with total annual CO2 emissions above 10,000 metric tons are required to monitor those emissions from 2019 and report them to the relevant administering authority in their country of registration. To ensure their reporting is accurate and complies with strict CORSIA regulations, it must first be audited by an independent verifier that has been accredited under the scheme.

Last August, the Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) launched an accreditation scheme specifically to support CORSIA emissions verification and has since conducted a pilot run in which Verifavia took part.

“We are delighted to be the first CORSIA verification body to have been accredited by SAC and we may actually be the first to be accredited anywhere in the world to carry out CORSIA verification. I would like to thank SAC for its efficiency and professionalism,” said Julien Dufour, CEO of Verifavia, which intends to manage verification activities in the region from its Singapore office.

“As one of the world’s major aviation and business hubs, Singapore is the perfect location to reach out to and serve airlines from the Asia-Pacific region,” added Dufour.

SAC operates under Enterprise Singapore, a statutory board of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and acts in accordance with relevant international standards and requirements, maintaining integrity and impartiality while taking into account national and public interest.

As part of the SAC accreditation process, Verifavia conducted a CORSIA pre-verification audit of Singapore Airlines’ emissions report, which was witnessed by SAC at the carrier’s head office in Singapore.

“We thank Verifavia for conducting a complete CORSIA pre-verification audit of our emissions report as part of their CORSIA accreditation process with SAC,” said Charles Sih, Divisional Vice President Safety, Security & Environment at Singapore Airlines. “The audit has been very useful as it allowed us to fine-tune our CORSIA procedures. Verifavia’s in-depth knowledge of CORSIA was also very beneficial to our team. Overall, we welcome Verifavia as the first CORSIA accredited verifier, and we are pleased to have been involved in this achievement.”

Verifavia has nine years of experience and expertise in verifying thousands of emissions reports from hundreds of airlines and business jet operators globally. The SAC accreditation now enables Verifavia to provide competitive and hassle-free CORSIA verification services to all airlines and operators worldwide.

Notes for Editors:

  1. The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA) was agreed by countries under a Resolution (A39-3) adopted at ICAO’s 39th Assembly in October 2016. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a UN agency based in Montréal, Canada. Around 1,000 airlines and business jet operators are expected to participate in the scheme, which starts in 2021 and is scheduled to run until 2035.
  2. Verification is one of the three pillars of CORSIA’s monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) process. It ensures the credibility and accuracy of the reported data and is a mandatory requirement. By 31st May 2020, all airlines operating international flights with annual CO2 emissions exceeding 10,000 tonnes must prepare an emissions report covering 2019 and have it independently verified by an accredited CORSIA verifier such as Verifavia. After the report has been verified, it must be submitted together with the verification report to the CORSIA administering authority of the country of registration for onward submission to ICAO.
  3. Verifavia has become the world’s leading independent accredited verification company for aviation under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). It has verified several thousands of emissions reports for around 150 commercial airlines worldwide and hundreds of business jet operators since the start of the EU ETS in 2010. Each year, it verifies around 30% of the aircraft operators subject to the EU ETS. In addition to airlines and business jet operators, Verifavia provides independent environmental verification, certification and auditing services to airports and maritime transport (shipping and ports). Verifavia also provides CORSIA training and capacity building for airlines and aviation regulatory authorities. It is a co-founder and co-organizer of the Aviation Carbon conference held in London.
  4. Verifavia is headquartered in Paris, with regional offices in London, India, Canada and Singapore. It is accredited by UKAS for aviation and shipping, by SAC for aviation and by COFRAC for shipping.
  5. For more information on the Singapore Accreditation Council visit
Verifavia Becomes Normec Verifavia: A New Era of Excellence

Verifavia Becomes Normec Verifavia: A New Era of Excellence