Building Trust: Independent Emissions Verifier

FuelEU Maritime

FuelEU Maritime 

FuelEU maritime is a part of the Fit for 55 packages adopted by the European Parliament in 2021. FuelEU and the bundle of packages aim to reduce GHG (Green House Gases) emissions to 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The regulation was adopted at the end of the year 2023. Once implemented from 1 January 2025, it will increase the adoption of renewable and low-carbon fuels in international maritime transport in the European Union (EU). 

Why choose Normec Verifavia?

  1. Proactive Preparation: Gain early insights and develop a compliant strategy before the regulation takes effect. 
  2. Seamless Compliance: Ensure accurate monitoring, reporting, and verification processes to avoid penalties and disruptions. 
  3. Enhanced Sustainability: Drive sustainable practices by adopting cleaner fuels, contributing to a greener future. 
  4. Expert Support: Leverage Normec Verifavia’s extensive experience and industry knowledge for tailored solutions and ongoing support. 
FuelEU Maritime: Key Features and Requirements:  

The primary aim of the FuelEU Maritime regulation is to promote the adoption of renewable and low-carbon fuels through two key measures:  

  1. By setting a cap on the greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity permitted for ships arriving at, departing from, or present in EU/EEA ports, thereby encouraging the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels. 
  2. By mandating the use of On-shore Power Supply (OPS) or zero emissions technology in ports under the control of EU (European Union) Member States specifically for container ships and passenger ships.  
Key Measures: 
  1. GHG Intensity Caps: Limits on allowable emissions per unit of energy used, incentivizing cleaner fuels. 
  2. Shore-side Power & Zero-Emission Technologies: Mandatory use of shore-side power or zero-emission technologies for specific vessels in EU ports from 2030. 
  3. Renewable Fuels: Promotion of sustainable fuels like ammonia with incentives and potential sub-targets. 
GHG intensity limit used on-board by the ships: 

The FuelEU Maritime regulation has set an energy usage limit for ships on board, with a reference value of 91.16 grams of CO2 equivalent per megajoule (MJ). This reference value is set to undergo periodic reductions until the year 2050.  

Zero emission Requirement for energy used at shore:  

Starting in 2030, container and passenger ships visiting EU ports will be mandated to connect to a shore power supply to fulfil all their electrical power needs. 

Scope of Application: 

Applies to vessels exceeding 5,000 GT, regardless of flag, engaged in commercial passenger or cargo transport and calling at EU/EEA ports. 

Compliance Process: 
  • 31 August 2024 – Monitoring Plan for each ship to be submitted to the Verifier
  • 31 January 2026 – Submission of ship’s specific FuelEU report to the Verifier.
  • 31 March 2026 – The verified FuelEU report shall be recorded in the FuelEU database by the Verifier which includes average GHG intensity, compliance balance, and non-compliance port of call.
  • 30 April – 2026 – The company shall record the advance compliance surplus, following approval by its verifier, in the FuelEU database. The verifier should record the use of a pool in the compliance database.
  • 30 June 2026 – The ship should have a FuelEU DoC, by paying an amount equivalent to the compliance deficit.


How can Normec Verifavia help? 

Normec Verifavia can play a crucial role in assisting shipping companies in achieving compliance with GHG emissions regulations including FuelEU Maritime. Here’s how Normec Verifavia can help,  

  1. Vast Experience: Normec Verifavia brings extensive experience in the field of emissions verification and compliance, having worked with numerous shipping companies and regulatory bodies. This experience allows them to provide expert guidance tailored to the specific needs of each client. 
  2. Robust Process: Normec Verifavia follows a well-established and rigorous verification process to assess a ship’s GHG emissions and compliance. Their process ensures accuracy, reliability, and adherence to regulatory standards. 
  3. Continuous Periodic Verification: Normec Verifavia offers continuous and periodic verification services, allowing shipping companies to regularly monitor and assess their GHG intensity compliance. This proactive approach helps companies stay on track and make necessary adjustments to maintain compliance. 
  4. Penalty Evaluation: Normec Verifavia’s services include evaluating the potential penalties associated with non-compliance. This allows shipping operators to understand the financial implications of their emissions and take corrective actions to avoid penalties. 

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The delegated implementing acts are still awaited from the European Commission, once the guide for verifiers is released, we will publish the requisite changes and process for compliance.



Find answers to the most commonly asked questions

How will FuelEU impact my specific operations?

Normec Verifavia can conduct a detailed analysis based on your fleet profile and fuel types. Contact us for a personalized assessment.  

What are the key deadlines?

  1. 2025: Monitoring and reporting of GHG intensity begin. 
  2. 2030: Shore-side power requirement for container and passenger ships in EU ports. 
  3. 2034: Potential 2% sub-target for RFNBOs (Renewable fuel of Nonbiological Origin) implemented if their proportion falls below 1% in 2031. 

What are the flexibility mechanisms?

Banking, borrowing, and pooling allow companies to manage compliance across their fleet and over time. Normec Verifavia can explain these options in detail.  

What are the potential penalties for non-compliance?

Penalties are calculated based on the regulation’s formula and increase for repeated offenses. Severe violations may lead to expulsion orders.  

What are the derogations for Ice Class?

Ships that possess an ice-class notation such as IA, IA Super, IB, IC, or their equivalent could seek an exemption from the additional energy consumption related to navigating in ice conditions.