Building Trust: Independent Emissions Verifier

SEEMP Part II & III Verification

SEEMP Part II & III Verification 

The Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is a structured, and practical tool for helping shipowners manage their environmental performance and improve operational efficiency. It was introduced in 2013 by the IMO, and further enhanced in 2023. 

As a leading provider of maritime sustainability solutions, Normec Verifavia is your trusted partner, guiding you through the intricacies of SEEMP Parts II and III with expert verification services. 

Why choose Normec Verifavia?

  1. Independent Compliance Assurance: Secure an impartial assessment of your SEEMP Parts II & III adherence, ensuring compliance with IMO regulations. 
  2. Global Reach & Local Expertise: Benefit from our global accreditation and in-depth knowledge of specific Flag State and port authority requirements. 
  3. Streamlined Verification Process: Experience an efficient process that minimizes disruption to your operations. 
  4. Recognized Verification Expertise: Gain access to accredited verifiers with extensive SEEMP and verification experience. 

What is SEEMP and Why is it Important? 

The SEEMP is a mandatory regulation established by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international shipping. It is crucial for several reasons: 

  1. Environmental Impact: Shipping accounts for a huge portion of global CO2 emissions. SEEMP helps mitigate this impact by encouraging fuel efficiency and emission reduction strategies. 
  2. Compliance: Meeting SEEMP Part II & Part III requirements is mandatory for all ships over 5000 gross tonnages engaged in international voyages. Non-compliance can lead to fines, detentions, and reputational damage. 
  3. Cost Savings: By optimizing fuel consumption, SEEMP can significantly reduce operational costs for shipping companies. 
  4. Sustainability Leadership: Implementing SEEMP demonstrates your commitment to environmental responsibility and positions you as a leader in the maritime sustainability movement. 

Key SEEMP Regulations: 

  1. SEEMP Part I: Requires ships above 400 GT to develop a plan for improving energy efficiency, including operational measures, and training for crew. 
  2. SEEMP Part II: Requires ships over 5,000 GT to monitor and report fuel oil consumption data through the IMO Data Collection System (DCS). 
  3. SEEMP Part III: Requires ships over 5,000 GT to develop a carbon intensity reduction strategy aligned with IMO-targets and have it verified by an independent verifier like Normec Verifavia. 

Our SEEMP Verification Services: 

SEEMP Part II Verification: 

  1. Comprehensive evaluation: We meticulously assess your fuel oil consumption monitoring procedures against the stringent IMO Data Collection System (DCS) requirements, ensuring they align with the latest regulations. 
  2. Data Verification: Our experts verify the accuracy and completeness of your reported fuel oil consumption data, guaranteeing transparency and reliability. 
  3. Verification Report: Upon successful verification, you receive a comprehensive Verification Report documenting your compliance with SEEMP Part II, safeguarding your operations. 

SEEMP Part III Verification: 

  1. Strategy Alignment Assessment: We thoroughly evaluate your carbon intensity reduction strategy stated in SEEMP Part III, ensuring it aligns with the ambitious IMO-targets for decarbonization. 
  2. Data Review: Our team rigorously reviews your data collection and monitoring methodologies for consistency and accuracy, upholding the highest standards of data integrity. 
  3. Confirmation of Compliance (CoC): Following successful verification, we issue a CoC, a valuable document recognizing your commitment to SEEMP Part III compliance for three years. 

Combined Approach: 

  1. Streamlined Efficiency: We offer a combined verification process for both SEEMP Parts II and III, saving you time, resources, and cost compared to separate verifications. 
  2. Holistic Compliance: By addressing both parts simultaneously, we ensure you achieve comprehensive compliance across all SEEMP requirements, guaranteeing peace of mind.

Wonder what we can do for you?

Contact us
  1. Initiation

    Clients initiate the process by contacting Normec Verifavia, providing relevant Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) documentation, and discussing their verification needs.

  2. Planning & Review

    Normec Verifavia collaborates with the client to develop a customized verification plan based on the specific requirements. Clients share relevant documentation for review to Normec Verifavia. 

  3. Reporting & Issuance

    Following the review, a draft verification report is prepared for client review. Upon successful verification, a final report is issued, and for SEEMP Part III, a Confirmation of Compliance (CoC) is provided. 



Find answers to the most commonly asked questions

What are the deadlines for SEEMP Part II and III verification?

  1. SEEMP Part II: Verification is required for ships over 5,000 GT before their first annual report after January 1, 2019. 
  2. SEEMP Part III: Verification is required for ships over 5,000 GT by December 31, 2022, with the first CoC valid for three years. However, early verification is encouraged to ensure smooth compliance and avoid last-minute challenges. 

What data do I need to prepare for verification?

  1. SEEMP Part II: Ensure your Fuel Oil Record Book (FORM) is complete and up to date, along with any supporting documentation related to fuel oil consumption. 
  2. SEEMP Part III: Have your SEEMP Part III document readily available, along with relevant fuel oil consumption data and documentation supporting your carbon intensity reduction strategy. 

Are there penalties for non-compliance with SEEMP verification?

Yes, non-compliance can lead to significant consequences, including: 

  1. Fines: Monetary penalties imposed by Flag States or port authorities. 
  2. Detention: Your vessel may be detained, causing costly delays and disruptions. 
  3. Reputational Damage: Non-compliance can damage your company’s reputation and stakeholder trust.