From Stern to Bow, We Test Every Flow

Marine Water Testing

Marine Water Testing

VGP Testing (Vessel General Permit Testing):
Ensures compliance with the EPA’s Vessel General Permit for vessel discharge standards, including ballast water discharge.  

BWTS D2 Commissioning Test (Ballast Water Treatment System D2 Commissioning Test):
Validates BWTS installation alignment with design specifications or Type Approval.  

At Normec Verifavia, we provide crucial environmental compliance and safe vessel operations testing.  

Benefits of Marine Water Testing

  1. Ensures vessels comply with the EPA’s Vessel General Permit.  
  2. Regular testing helps shipowners avoid penalties and legal issues.  
  3. Validates proper functioning of installed BWTS.  
  4. Reduces risks of non-compliance, operational disruptions, and environmental harm from ineffective ballast water treatment.  

Wonder what we can do for you?

Contact us
  1. Quotation and Documentation

  2. Onboard Sampling

  3. Lab Analysis and Reporting



Find answers to the most commonly asked questions

What is the purpose of VGP water testing?

The VGP requires water testing to assess the environmental impact of discharges from vessels, such as ballast water, bilgewater, and graywater. Testing ensures compliance with water quality standards  

Which vessels are required to undergo VGP water testing?

VGP requirements apply to most commercial vessels operating in U.S. waters 

What happens if a vessel fails VGP compliance?

Non-compliance may result in penalties, fines, or restrictions on vessel operations. Corrective actions are necessary to meet VGP requirements 

Who conducts VGP water testing?

Accredited laboratories or authorized personnel perform VGP testing. Their expertise ensures accurate results and adherence to regulatory standards 

When must vessels comply with D-2 standards?

All ships must meet D2 standards by 8th September 2024.