Verified Sustainability: Building a Trusted Future

Carbon Credit Verification & Validation

Carbon Credit Verification & Validation 

Normec Verifavia specializes in confirming the integrity of carbon credits, an essential service for project developers and purchasers alike. By offering independent verification and validation for carbon registries, we guarantee the precision of model-based carbon credits, thereby building confidence within the marketplace. Our expertise not only elevates the projects’ credibility and market appeal for developers but also assures buyers of their investment in premium credits that yield real environmental advantages.

Why choose Normec Verifavia?

  1. Enhanced Transparency: Our rigorous verification process offers transparent evidence of project activities and emission reductions, promoting ethical practices and responsible carbon trading. 
  2. Increased Trust: Independent verification instills trust in the integrity of carbon credits, enabling buyers to support genuine projects with measurable environmental benefits.  
  3. Improved Accuracy: We meticulously review data and calculations to ensure credits accurately reflect actual emission reductions and avoid double counting. 
  4. Additionality Guarantee: We verify that credited reductions exceed regulatory requirements, ensuring genuine environmental impact. 

Our verification process aligns with established frameworks like Riverse, SFC, Climate dividends and GLEC.  

We require: 
  • Data and model descriptions. 
  • Source data and tracking files for calculations. 
  • Detailed information on additionality measures. 
  • Any other additional criteria required by the specific framework applied by the registry.
Our independent experts: 
  • Verify data and calculations for accuracy. 
  • Ensure adherence to chosen frameworks. 
  • Confirming additionality criteria and preventing double counting, upon successful verification, we issue an assurance statement confirming independent verification and validation. 

Wonder what we can do for you?

Contact us
  1. Submit verification request

    Choose your preferred framework and provide necessary data.

  2. Expert review

    Our team rigorously assesses your model, data, and calculations. 

  3. Site visit (optional)

    Depending on project complexity, a virtual site visit may be required. 

  4. Report and statement

    You receive a detailed report and, if successful, an assurance statement. 

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Find answers to the most commonly asked questions

What frameworks do you support?

We support various frameworks like Riverse standard, Climate Dividends protocol, and GLEC based registries.  

Do you require on-site visits?

On-site visits are optional and contingent upon the complexity of the project. 

What are the costs?

Contact us for tailored pricing based on your project specifics.