Verified Sustainability: Building a Trusted Future

Carbon Footprint Verification

Carbon Footprint Verification 

Companies are under increasing pressure from their consumers and stakeholders to take responsibility for their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To effectively understand and mitigate their carbon footprint, a growing number of companies are actively measuring their carbon emissions. However, this is often complex, particularly when considering Scope 3 emissions and the diverse array of greenhouse gases (GHGs) involved. To ensure accuracy and credibility, many companies rely on third-party verification of their emissions data. 

Benefits of Carbon Footprint Verification 

  1. Ensured accurate footprint calculation. 
  2. Provided concrete data to support decarbonization efforts. 
  3. Ensured stakeholder and customer satisfaction through accurate data communication. 

Carbon footprint verification is an essential element of a company’s sustainability journey by ensuring accuracy, transparency, and accountability in assessing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across their operations and supply chains. The verification begins with the collection of data pertaining to various emission sources within the company’s operational framework such as energy consumption, transportation, and waste management practices. The data is then categorized into three scopes, which delineate the nature of a company’s carbon footprint: 

  1. Scope 1: direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the company, such as fuel combustion in company-owned vehicles and facilities.  
  2. Scope 2: indirect emissions from purchased electricity, heat, or steam. 
  3. Scope 3: indirect emissions from sources upstream or downstream of the company’s operations, such as those from purchased goods and services, employee commuting, and business travel. It’s essential to recognize the nuances of these scopes, as they collectively contribute to the company’s overall carbon footprint.  

In addition to scope emissions, carbon footprint verification considers the differing global warming potentials (GWPs) of the various GHG gases such as nitrous oxides (NOx), methane (CH4) and fluorinated gases some of which have a GWP 20,000 times higher than CO2.  

Carbon footprint verification also provides a holistic understanding of the environmental impact of a company’s products by integrating Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Through LCA, the entire life cycle of products, from raw material extraction to product disposal, is evaluated, enabling the identification of emission hotspots, and guiding sustainable product design and manufacturing practices. 

Carbon footprint verification, facilitated by accredited third-party verification bodies, not only provides a benchmark and comparison with industry peers but also enables a comprehensive assessment of environmental engagement. This process empowers companies to make informed decisions, set ambitious sustainability goals, and drive continuous improvement in addressing the challenges posed by climate change, all while ensuring adherence to established standards and protocols, such as the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, SBTi, and ISO standards. 

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  1. Discussion and Audit Preparation process

  2. Verification/validation of documents sent.

  3. Issuance of sustainability assurance statement

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Find answers to the most commonly asked questions

Why do I need third party verification of my emissions?

Third-party verification is essential because it provides an independent expert opinion, ensuring credibility and trust in your emissions calculation. 

Why is differentiating scope emissions important?

Distinguishing between scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions is crucial because it delineates the varying degrees of influence an organization has over its emissions. While emissions reports often focus solely on scopes 1 and 2, it is essential to include all scopes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the organization’s carbon footprint. 

What is the difference between CO2 and CO2eq or CO2e?

While carbon dioxide (CO2) stands as the predominant greenhouse gas (GHG), there are others, like nitrous oxides and methane, emitted in smaller quantities but with significantly higher Global Warming Potentials (GWPs). CO2e considers these differences and standardizes them to have them in their equivalent value in CO2. 

How do I know if the verification process and results are correct?

Normec Verifavia has over ten years’ experience in emissions verification. Our auditors are extensively trained and tested in emissions auditing.

What if I don’t agree with Normec Verifavia’s decision regarding my emissions?

Normec Verifavia has an appeals and complaints procedure if you are dissatisfied with the statement. 

How can I use Normec Verifavia’s validation/verification statement?

Normec Verifavia’s validation/verification statement may be included in your company’s sustainability report to demonstrate to your customers and stakeholders that the claims specifically verified or validated by Normec Verifavia meet the objectives of your company’s internal environmental policy. Note that it should not be used to imply verification or validation of any environmental claims beyond those explicitly verified or validated by Normec Verifavia.