Verified Sustainability: Building a Trusted Future

Platform Verification for Environmental Attributes

Platform Audits

The rise of environmental platforms trading carbon credits and other attributes demands transparency and accountability. Our platform verification service provides comprehensive assessments, ensuring compliance, security, functionality, and data privacy. Whether you are developing a platform or seeking information about platform verification, we have the expertise to help you navigate the process.  

Why choose Normec Verifavia?

  1. Unmatched Expertise: Our team possesses extensive experience in environmental platforms, regulations, and verification methodologies. 
  2. Competitive Pricing: We offer flexible and cost-effective solutions to meet your specific needs. 
  3. Proven Track Record: We have successfully verified numerous platforms, built trust and ensured compliance for our clients. 
  4. Efficiency and Speed: Our streamlined process delivers quick turnaround times without compromising thoroughness. 

Benefits of Platform Verification for Environmental Attributes

  1. Enhanced Trust: Build confidence with stakeholders by demonstrating your platform’s adherence to regulations and best practices. 
  2. Increased Compliance: Mitigate risk and ensure compliance with environmental regulations and data privacy standards. 
  3. Functional Efficiency: Verify platform functionality and ensure seamless transactions for a positive user experience.
Our rigorous verification process covers: 
  1. Compliance: We review platform policies, procedures, and documentation against relevant environmental regulations. 
  2. Functionality: We evaluate platform features, transaction processes, and user interfaces for optimal performance. 
  3. Methodology: Verification of the methodology for calculating emissions based on collected data and confirming its compliance with the specific reporting schemes’ guidelines and protocols. 
  4. Data: Examination of the platform’s mechanisms for ensuring data accuracy, completeness, and integrity throughout the process. 
  5. Infrastructure: Analysis of the tools, procedures, assumptions, and methods used as a foundational structure for the Platform, including an assessment of input data, processes, and output. 
  6. Database: Verification of the platform database to ensure its reliability and integrity. 

Wonder what we can do for you?

Contact us
  1. Submit platform documentation

    Provide platform policies, procedures, and technical specifications. 

  2. Virtual site visit

    Our experts virtually assess platform functionality and security measures. 

  3. Methodology review

    We evaluate your data management practices and anti-double counting controls.

  4. Comprehensive report

    Receive a detailed report outlining our findings, verification status, and recommendations. 



Find answers to the most commonly asked questions

What platforms do you verify?

We verify platforms related to environmental attributes, carbon credits, carbon reporting under regulatory schemes (EU ETS, CORSIA, UK ETS) and other sustainability-focused transactions. 

How long does the verification process take?

Timelines vary depending on platform complexity and the verification iterative process between client and verifier.

What are the costs involved?

Please contact us for a personalized quote based on your platform’s specific needs.